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Published: 07-Feb-17
Newsletters and Traffic: Is there a Link?
There are a lot of new things happening everywhere. And people always want to get updated. They want to know the first thing about something. You can say that people love rumors and gossips. It doesn't sound real good, but it's true. And you can capitalize on that need for information to drive massive traffic to your website. The good thing about online newsletters is that they're very easy to do. Unlike the newsletters sent in the mail, you need not buy loads of paper, send the manuscript to the printer, and distribute the newsletters to your subscribers. You will certainly need big money to complete the whole cycle that way. And it repeats every time you need to deliver another issue of the newsletter. On the internet world, you can create a newspaper very simply. And sometimes, even for free. All you need is good newsletter or graphics software, a penchant for writing, nice images, and a functional email system. You can even create the perfect newsletter in hours. Then submit it to every person in your subscriber list within minutes. And there are no trees that get hurt in the whole process! In order to make your newsletter successful, here are good tips to follow; 1. Make sure you have a comprehensive email list. The most striking newsletter would be nothing if it fails to reach the right people. Newsletters usually revolve around a certain topic, group, or idea. Don't send car-racing newsletters to elderly people or to women because there are lesser chances that they get interested in reading it. Target your newsletter. Then distribute it over the right channels. 2. Sprinkle links to your site optimally. The whole purpose as to why you are creating a newsletter is to make sure people will get interested enough to regularly check out your website. Don't ever forget to put the correct anchor links and texts on the right places. Put just enough of them. Putting too much would turn off readers. Putting too little may not produce the desired effect. 3. Leave your readers something. Newsletters should not be used for mere marketing purposes only. Content and information is very important. If you fail to stimulate the minds of your readers, they might not read your newsletter in the next offing. Worse, they could merely delete it or tag it as spam. That's the worse thing that could happen to you and your dream to drive traffic to your site. 4. Don't forget the gossips. Hard facts and pertinent information are good. But sometimes, they can be boring. You've got to find ways to put some harmless gossips on the pages of your newsletter. It doesn't have to be real gossips all the time. Freebies, new offerings, and promotions that could get your readers interested should be good enough. Give them something they can't resist. With these things in mind, you should be able to create the type of newsletter readers look forward to each day. And when that happens, everything flows naturally. The traffic to your website will be much more than you could have expected. And you definitely deserve it, after all the hard work you put on those newsletters! So start creating one today. With a good target list, you could have loads of fresh new traffic tomorrow!

Republished with author's permission.